Paperwork is Part of the Work

In order to qualify for cash prizes, recognition, and potential distribution, ya gotta go through the red tape. But worry not my friend, we’ve got your six! Here are the forms you’ll need throughout the contest to make sure your ready to go! 

Simply click on the name and download your forms, it’s that easy!


Team Lead’s Agreement

Due upon registration (1 per item/creator)

This document is automatically generated when you register. A completed copy will be sent to the email entered and to 10dfc. It is your responsibility to review this document before registering.

Waiver and Release

Due before entry (1 per crew/cast)

This is a combined Talent Release and Liability Waiver Form. Each member of the cast and crew must sign a separate form. Remember, this form helps protect you, the team leader, as well as the 10dfc.

Materials Release

Due before entry (1 per item/creator)

This form is used for sound effects, photographs, stock footage as part of a post-production effect (including relevant video filters) and other materials.


Due before entry (1 per team)

The Team Leader must sign this document to certify that all creative work took place during the Official Competition Period.

Music Release

Due before entry (1 per song/composer)

Every song and piece of music must have a signed Music Release Form. If the song was composed during the contest, the composer signs. If the piece of music came from a music library, the purchaser signs and lists the name of the library on the form.

Location Release

Due before entry (1 per location)

This form is signed by the owner (or other person responsible) by the location you film your movie.

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